“Why I Choose Philippine Women’s College of Davao?”

As I remember, I started enrolling here way back 2013 it was fun then although I was very shy at first because my first choice was not to enroll in this school because I actually had a hard time on choosing what school and course to take. I was enrolled first in the different school and I took Accountancy course and it was summer that time but suddenly after several weeks i withdrew enrolling and took my credentials back because i decided to take Bachelor of Science in Food technology in Philippine Women’s College of Davao, because I found this course as an interesting course and this is the only school aside from University of the Philippines that offers this type of course. It was really difficult for me since my mom was against with my decision, I had a tough moments fixing all my stuffs during those days.

Later on, As I spent my days here I found the people, the professors and other Personnel of this school as approachable and kind. This has been my second home, It allowed me to become a better me, and get out from the box. I was molded as a good student leader here applying all the things I have learned from my advisers and mentors. I also started to become more responsible and dependent since this school has taught me to be the best that I can be. Although PWC of Davao isn’t a perfect school but I guarantee you this is a school where you also wanna stay, where you wanna enjoy learning, exploring, discovering and experimenting things. It’s all about endless learning here, it’s all about art and also fun.

PWC of Davao also upholds its Mission, Vision. This school also offers different programs such as Hotel Restaurant Management, Tourism, Business Administration (Finance and Entrepreneurship), Education, Food Technology, Information Technology, Fine Arts and they are also offering TVET. It’s an advantage if you will study here since PWC of Davao is in Trimestral mode which means, after three years you can graduate and then work.

Staying here for three years, I can say that “Life is here in PWC  of Davao!!”

pwu davao

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